ICTM 2013

 Second International Conference on ICT Management
for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies

Wroclaw, Poland, September 16-17, 2013

Conference Theme: Economic, Social, and Psychological Aspects of ICT Implementation

Organizers: The College of Management Edukacja and University of Wrocław

Emerging economies with their dynamic development and rapid growth are often considered the engines of the global marketplace. Unfortunately, despite this vigorous economic growth, most emerging economies still lag behind the mature, developed countries in economic output and standard of living. To truly close this gap, new management techniques, new business models, and new regulatory policies, among other factors may be needed. Moreover, information and communication technologies (ICTs) will likely play a vital role in this development process. Thus, the objective of this conference is to provide a forum for interested researchers and practitioners to exchange their experiences and creative ideas related to ICT management for global competitiveness and economic growth in emerging economies.  Possible topics may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Social, political and legal frameworks as they relate to ICT and ICT Management
  • Unique ICT management techniques for emerging and transition economies
  • Methods for measuring the benefits and costs of projects involving the adoption of ICT
  • The role of human and social capital
  • Innovative ways for generating revenues and creating commercial knowledge products
  • Educational systems and training as they relate to ICT and ICT Management
  • ICT to support small and medium enterprises
  • ICT as a path to economic growth
  • ICT productivity with specific reference to the prevalent social and business conditions
  • Global supply chain management in emerging and transition economies
  • Country specific case studies, with specific reference to the prevalent social and business conditions
  • ICT off-shoring/outsourcing into emerging and transition economies
  • ICT project management, with specific reference to the prevalent social and business conditions
  • Digital divide in emerging and transition economies
  • E-commerce impact in emerging and transition economies
  • E-government in emerging and transition economies
  • Psychological, social, and economic aspects of Internet use in emerging and transition economies
  • Quantitative methods and information technology in management

Submissions to the ICTM 2013 conference must represent original work and must not have been previously published, nor be currently under review elsewhere.


Paper presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings.


A few revised/expanded papers from the ICTM 2013 conferences, that have the potential to make a substantial contribution to the field, will be considered for fast tracking to the top tier, high impact Information Systems Management (ISM) journal  (ISSN: 1058-0530 (Print), 1934-8703 (Online)) For more information about the ISM journal: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uism20/current.

The best papers submitted to the ICTM 2013 Conference will be fast tracked to a special issue of the Quality Innovation Prosperity journal (ISSN 1335-1745 (Print), 1338-984X (Online)). Information about the journal can be found at http://www.qip-journal.eu/index.php/QIP

The best rated articles with the psychological and pedagogical approach will be  fast tracked to the indexed Polish Journal of Applied Psychologyhttp://www.pjap.psychologia.uni.wroc.pl/.

The ICTM 2013 conference proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in Conference Proceedings Citation Index by Thomson Reuters.

 Conference Co-Chairs

Jolanta Kowal
College of Management
University of Wrocław,

Narcyz Roztocki
 State University of New York at New Paltz, USA

Programme Co-Chairs

Margaret Tan
Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore

Heinz Roland
Weistroffer, Virginia
University, USA

 Conference Secretaries

 Anna Kuzio

Aleksandra Kwiatkowska

College of Management "Edukacja"
